ILAND-爱巧客,是一个年轻的品牌,由一群热爱生活、热爱创造的年轻人创建。我们享受快乐的手工、简单的世界,我们希望爱就一起来创造! 爱巧客旗下现有ILAND模型屋品牌、爱巧客独立手工主题购物商城、全国独家创意模型手工社区“巧客大本营"。多年来,我们致力于打造优质迷你精品模型,产品包括模型屋、迷拟家具、迷拟植物、迷拟电灯,微型瓷餐具和花瓶、人偶和动物模型,迷拟装饰配件、模型屋建筑材料,以及博物馆收藏级的古董家具模型。大部分ILAND成品模型严格按照1:12的比例微缩,另有部分1:6比例的家具模型,也可以提供更多比例的模型定制服务。目前,ILAND模型屋产品已经远销欧美、日韩、东南亚。 除了不断创造新的模型屋产品,爱巧客还致力于为手工爱好者提供更新更全面的手工产品和DIY素材,将陆续为您提供各种品牌粘土、颜料、精品级拼装车船模等。 巧客大本营是我们为模型和手工爱好者精心设计的专业论坛空间,希望大家能在这片空间中找到志同道合的玩友,分享手工的乐趣,激发创造的热情!巧客大本营的繁荣需要每一位玩家的参与。如果您有得意的作品,有快乐的制作过程,有可以参考的资料,或者,只要有爱手工的玩心,都请加入我们! 每个月我们都会有新品呈现,欢迎访问我们的网站并提出您的建议和需求。我们很荣幸为您提供更完善的服务! ILAND Corporation, owner of the brand PureDream, are a young corporation with young employees who love creating and life. Over the years, we become an international supplier of the world's finest miniature products, including dollshouses, miniature furniture, mini flower, mini electric light, miniature porcelain dinnerware and vases, dolls and miniature animals, mini decoration accessories, dollshouse building material. What's more we supply the best miniature antique furniture which is carved and painted all by hand. Most of our miniature is in 1:12 scale, also we supply miniatures in 1:6 scale and any scale to clients' requirements. Now our products are sold in America, United Kingdom, France, Russia and South East Asia.We remain dedicated to creating new fine miniatures. Every month we have new products to present to you. Welcome to visit our website frequently and contact us for your requirement and suggestion. It's our honor to service you.奇屿商贸(上海)有限公司 ILAND Trading Co., Ltd.地址:上海市闵行区普洱路128弄51号 No. 51, Lane 128, Pu Er RoadMinhang District, ShanghaiChina 201100Tel: (0086) 21 64609230Fax:021-62967706-8005 |